Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Blank Page Muse - Day of the Dead Sugar Skulls Candle

Dia de los Muertos, or the Day of the Dead, is a Mexican religious holiday that is celebrated November 1 and 2. Sugar skulls are decorated in bright colors and used as an offering celebrating the deceased. The sugar skulls have become popular in the art world and have become a favorite design, not just for celebrating the Day of the Dead, but also for wall art, decorative items, and even tattoos. Today, I am sharing a candle I made using several of the stamps from Blank Page Muse Art Rubber Stamps called the Day of the Dead Sugar Skulls Marigold Flowers Sacred Heart Art Rubber Stamps designed by Donna Gray.

Try making one and join us in November's Blank Page Muse monthly challenge. The theme is "Easy Holiday Play." 

These candles are easy to make and you don't need very many supplies. They don't cost much to make and they are great gifts for any occasion. Let's get started!

  • Stamp the small sugar skull, sacred heart, and roses (stamp 2) with a black ink pad on tissue paper (I stamped 4 roses, but only used 2).
  • Stamp the hearts (stamp 2) with a red ink pad on tissue paper.
  • Color the stamps with bright colored markers. Color them any color you like.

  • Cut out the stamps leaving a small border. For the heart stamp, cut off the dots (or you can leave them).
  • Using a tape runner, add a dab of tape onto the back of the tissue then adhere to the candle. Work with one large stamp or 2 small stamps at a time! 
  • Wrap a piece of wax paper around the candle, pulling it taut. Make sure there are no air bubbles.

  • Using a heat gun or hair dryer, apply heat over the stamp. When the stamp becomes shiny, it is adhered. Do not over heat or the candle will melt.
  • Unwrap the wax paper and repeat applying one or two stamps at a time using a new piece of wax paper.

  • For gift giving, wrap in cellophane and tie with a ribbon.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and give this a try. Visit Blank Page Muse Art Rubber Stamps for more stamps you can use to make candles. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. Thank you for visiting!


  1. These are wonderful! I love the detail instructions and your colors are perfect. Thank you.
